Website Officially Launched

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Seek Compact Pro

The website was officially turned up today.

I had the basic framework for the site up already, but just had to fine tune a few things to make it suitable for official launch.

The usual stuff for launching a website. Creating a logo, icons and basic layout, verifying all links, ensure w3 compliance for every page, checking for security flaws or errors in the logs and finally, adding the links through the webmaster tools of the various search engines. All the content is being created inhouse including any images, graphs, etc. I want all the content on to be original and 100% unique (as all websites should be).

I know, mostly geeky computer stuff. But that is all part of getting a website up and going.

Website Registered

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We placed an order for the Seek CompactPro camera on September 22, 2020. Even before receiving it, I figured I was going to be taking a lot of pretty cool videos. There are a bunch of "Guys" on the internet who specialize on a specific topic. You have Slomo Guys. You have Piano Guys. I figured there is enough room out there for this niche area, so now there is the Thermal Guy.

I checked to see if the website had been registered. It wasn't, so I registered it on September 24, 2020.

Things are happening a bit backwards here. I haven't even taken a thermal image yet, but I am making a website on thermal imagery and videography.

Not to worry though, things will fall into place (so I keep telling myself).

There will be the box opening for the camera in a subsequent blog entry, followed by the new series of videos on thermal videography.