Can Thermal Cameras See Underwater

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Can Thermal Cameras See UnderwaterWe posted a YouTube video of us using a thermal camera in the kitchen sink and running a number of experiments to see if thermal cameras can see underwater at different temperatures.

The video can be broken down into 2 sections. The first section we fill the sink with hot water and then do experiments with our hands, cold water and ice. In the second section we fill the sink with cold water and put in our hands and hot water.

Spoiler alert. Based on our observations it appears that thermal cameras cannot see underwater and it does not matter the temperature of the water.

Here is the video. Enjoy.

Website Officially Launched

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Seek Compact Pro

The website was officially turned up today.

I had the basic framework for the site up already, but just had to fine tune a few things to make it suitable for official launch.

The usual stuff for launching a website. Creating a logo, icons and basic layout, verifying all links, ensure w3 compliance for every page, checking for security flaws or errors in the logs and finally, adding the links through the webmaster tools of the various search engines. All the content is being created inhouse including any images, graphs, etc. I want all the content on to be original and 100% unique (as all websites should be).

I know, mostly geeky computer stuff. But that is all part of getting a website up and going.